Sunday, July 12, 2009

SM Cards JPN vs HK vs Bootleg

I wanted to do this for anyone who wanted to note the differences in Sailormoon cards. Japanese, Hong Kong (H.K.) also International and Bootleg.

Top: Japanese
Bottom: HK

Notice they look really virtually the same.
Close up of Japanese, Close up of HK.
See it now? The JPN release the circle "prism" is a different pattern than the HK release.

Top: Japanese
Bottom: HK
The top is a different card from the first set, because I wanted to show the same image, notice the HK release is a little lighter, but the big difference is the copyright information. The Japanese release is half in Japanese half in English while the HK is all in English, and says HK on it.

Left: Japanese
Right: HK

Close up of Japanese, Close up of HK.
You can see a little more clearly the difference in the circle "prism" area.

Back of cards
I used a different back again to match them, these look even more identical until you look at the copyright info again. It says Internaltional on the HK release.


TOP: Japanese
BOTTOM: Bootleg

They look pretty similar on the front side, it's hard to tell but the edges of the image into the lamination you can see little bit of a difference because the Japanese ones are slightly thicker.

TOP: Japanese
BOTTOM: Bootleg

This I think is pretty clear. All of the Japanese cards are clearly marked on the back and most if not all of them have the TOEI cat in hat sticker on them.


TOP ROW: Bootlegs
BOTTOM ROW: Japanese

Most noticeable is the prism pattern on the top three don't match anything. While the bottom three have the same pattern. They also seemed centered or bordered better, sometimes with the Japanese SM logo for that season.

Close up of bootlegs, Close up of Japanese.

TOP ROW: Bootlegs
BOTTOM ROW: Japanese

Same cards, the bootlegs are lighter, in one case misspelling and none have any sort of copyright on them. The Japanese cards usually have some sort of writing on the back whether it's trivia or some sort of line related to the series, sometimes a number for where it is in which series and always copyright info.

Close up of bootlegs, Close up of Japanese.

I also want to mention that HK/International as far as I know are NOT bootlegs, just a non Japanese release just like N.A are NOT bootlegs. Hope this helps anyone wanting to know more about the cards.

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